Bill Bickers, owner
Offering expert repair of Jukebox sound systems and free repair advice for Jukebox owners.
1651 Sedgwick Dr., Middleburg, FL 32068
(912) 634-5800
email: bill@jukeboxfridaynight.com
Hours: 9AM to 5PM EST, Monday through Friday
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Amp Repair
Amp Tubes
Founded in 1967, Jukebox Friday
Night is the premier repair resource for jukebox amplifiers and receivers.
Our hallmark is expert service in a flash with most jobs being completed
within 3 business days of receipt. The 50 + years of knowledge and experience
amassed by proprietor Bill Bickers is yours for the asking by phone, email,
or from his Nationally published column "Sound Advice" featured in Jukebox
Collector and GameRoom Magazines. With one of the most
comprehensive inventories of tubes, transformers, capacitors, and transistors in
the US chances are we have that item you need for your jukebox.
Jukebox Friday Night is your resource when quality and dependability matter most.
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